Ryan Hewett - Nexus at UNIT London

exhibition, art

Ryan Hewett's latest exhibition at Unit London, titled Nexus, explores the intersection of futurism, transhumanism, and fantasy. Inspired by the digital-native Generation Alpha, Hewett presents a series of oil paintings featuring enigmatic characters who symbolize the spirit of this new era. These portraits blend humanity with otherworldly elements, creating a space where fantasy and technology coexist. Hewett's shift towards a fantasy world is evident as he draws inspiration solely from his imagination, departing from real-life references. His artwork bridges figuration and abstraction, striving for a balance between the tangible and the ethereal.

Hewett's artistic process mirrors this duality, utilizing primed and unprimed canvas areas to combine various paint textures. Loose brushwork and impasto techniques meet clean lines and geometric shapes. While oil paint and canvas remain his primary materials, Hewett experiments with unconventional materials like sand to add texture. He also explores monochrome color palettes, departing from his earlier vibrant hues.
