Sho Sibuya, Month at Unit London

Art, exhibition

Exhibition hall, Unit London basement

Sho Shibuya's debut exhibition, hosted by the prestigious Unit London gallery, delves into the intricate interplay of time and perception through the medium of painting. Aptly titled Month, the exhibition showcases a captivating visual diary comprising thirty paintings and a sculptural installation, all created during the period spanning January to May 2023.

At the core of Shibuya's artistic exploration lies a profound fascination with our diverse perceptions of timeframes. With each painting adorning the front cover of the New York Times, the artist masterfully captures the essence of a sunrise, signifying the beginning of a new day. Each artwork serves as a poignant representation of a singular day, conveying the contrasting emotions and significance that can be experienced during seemingly ordinary moments. For within the span of twenty-four hours, time can stretch endlessly, stand monumentally still, or glide by without leaving a trace.

Drawing from a daily ritual, the artist commences his creative process naturally, rousing himself at the early hours of 5 or 6 am. Following an immersion in the latest headlines, he captures a photograph of the sunrise from either his window or rooftop. In a ritualistic sequence, Shibuya embarks on a morning run, partakes in a cold shower, and enjoys breakfast with his wife. Only then does he meticulously transfer the essence of the morning's dawn onto the blank canvas of the newspaper, utilizing acrylic paint to vividly recreate the spectacle. To preserve the integrity of each piece, Shibuya employs a deacidification spray, warding off the dreaded yellowing that may encroach upon the newspapers' pages over time.

An intriguing aspect of the exhibition lies on the floor, strewn with unpainted copies of each newspaper, forming an archival collection that serves as both a record of the passing days and a tangible reminder of the world beyond the serene canvases. The juxtaposition of tranquil sunrises against the harsh reality of global unrest, from the spy balloons floating across distant skies to earthquakes shaking distant lands like Turkey and Syria, serves as a poignant testament to the continuity of life amid the chaos.

Month - Sho Shibuya

25 July - 24 August 2023

Unit London