The Impact of 4 Years of Mindfulness on Health, Happiness, and Productivity

Meditation is a practice that has been around for thousands of years, but it has gained popularity in recent times as a way to cope with the stress and challenges of modern life.

Wellness, Mindfulness, lifestyle

Amidst the chaos of the COVID lockdown, I found myself feeling lost and overwhelmed by work stress. Working in the front line in the care sector, I was doing things I didn't enjoy, with people I didn't connect with, and I felt like I wasn't moving forward in life. Working seven days a week, I neglected my own well-being and dreams, and I blamed fate for my circumstances. But then, in the midst of this turmoil, I came across some words of wisdom from Joe Dispenza that became a lifeline for me: "Just sit down and do nothing for 5 minutes."

So, I began a journey into self-discovery. Those first 5 minutes of quiet reflection became a safe haven, a break from the chaos of my surroundings. I learned to observe my thoughts and feelings without judgment, which brought clarity to my cluttered mind. This newfound clarity helped me see through everything that had been holding me back. It was a turning point, leading me towards a path of personal growth and well-being. Clarity is the antidote to the paralysis of inaction that often plagues us as humans. It was like I was blind, and now I can see again.

PS. Time is too precious to be wasted on anything that doesn't contribute to your growth and happiness.

Clearing the Fog

Sometimes, we feel stuck and unsure about what to do in life. Especially in this era of abundance, when possibilities are endless, and is always something to do. Clarity means having a clear understanding of what you want and how to get it. It's like having a light in the dark, showing you the way forward. You can see the steps you need to take, and you feel confident about taking them. Having clarity helps you make decisions and take action without getting overwhelmed. By breaking down my aspirations into manageable chunks, I could ease the burden caused by an unclear vision and chart a clear path forward.

How the Meditating Practice Started

The idea seemed simple and made understanding well-being easier. When I sat quietly for just 10 minutes in the next morning, I felt a strong connection with myself. This made me decide to meditate every day. As I learned about different meditation methods, I found out how they can change you. Mindfulness, loving-kindness, visualization, and mantra each have their own special power. They turned my daily routine into something special.

What once seemed scary became an exciting journey of self-discovery. Mindfulness helps you notice your thoughts without judging them. Loving-kindness teaches you to care for yourself and others. Visualization lets you imagine positive things, like you're painting a picture in your mind. And mantra is when you repeat words that mean something to you.

Developing an Effective Meditation Routine

As I got more serious about meditation, I tried different ways to do it. Sometimes I meditated alone, other times with a group. Daily rituals of 30 to 60 minutes to extended hours. It was like making music with silence. Exploring hypnotic states in solitude and community, revealed the transformative potential of meditation's depth and versatility. In other words, I discovered how powerful meditation can be. It wasn't just about finding peace for a moment; it became a big part of my life and completely changed the way I see the world.

‘‘Meditation made me appreciate things more, be thankful, and kind to others. Most importantly, it showed me that love is life's essence and the source of everything.’’

~Razvan Chiorean

I became captivated. I embraced mindfulness, cultivating awareness of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings without judgment. Loving-kindness became a practice in compassion for oneself and others. Visualization unfolded as the art of creating positive mental images, and mantra, my favorite, involved repeating words or phrases with positive meaning or intention (remember, the brain does not know the difference between reality and imagination). Therefore, visualizing myself in favorable circumstances, it became essential.

Health Benefits

Early on, I observed a significant improvement in my physical health through meditation. I felt more energized, relaxed, and refreshed, leading to better sleep, improved eating habits, and increased exercise. The mind isn't constantly preoccupied with labeling everything throughout the day. Therefore, the brain does not need to use that much energy on processing and categorizing information. So, meditation serves as a kind of neutral state, allowing the mind to rest and rejuvenate, fostering clarity, focus, and inner peace.

Fundamentally, it teaches us to be more rational in our thinking and less influenced by subjective ideas and preferences that dictate our lives from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep at night. What a trap! (Life, in its essence, simply 'IS'. We humans give meaning to everything, from the simple act of drinking a cup of coffee in the morning to the complexities of love and the mysteries of the universe. While life, just 'IS'.) Notably, I became less susceptible to headaches, colds, and minor ailments, and observed positive changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. While not a magic pill, meditation emerges as a powerful tool for body care, capable of preventing or managing various health issues, which is wonderful!

Cyclical experience illustration: Graph illustrates the progression from subjective ideas to preferences, judgments, and self-imposed limitations. Contrasted with life's inherent simplicity—'IS', emphasizing human attribution of meaning to all aspects of existence.

Sequential Scenario Demonstration: I decide to try a new restaurant in town. Initially, I have the idea that it will be a fantastic dining experience based on the reviews I've read online. As I arrive and see the decor, I form a preference for cozy, intimate atmospheres. However, the restaurant's ambiance is more modern and bustling, which leads me to judge it as not meeting my expectations. As a result, I may limit future visits to similar restaurants with different atmospheres, sticking to what I know I prefer.

In the scenario above, if I had taken a neutral position and not attached expectations to the experience, I would have avoided forming preferences or judgments. Consequently, there are no limitations imposed on future dining choices based on this single experience. This suggests that by staying open-minded and neutral, I allow myself the freedom to experience things without preconceived biases shaping my perceptions or influencing future decisions.

Enhancing Emotional Well-being

Meditation really helped me feel better emotionally. I felt happier, more content, and thankful. I also found that I didn't get as upset by negative feelings like anger, fear, sadness, and worry. Meditation made me stronger, more hopeful, and surer of myself. What I learned is that meditation helps control emotions, makes you more aware of yourself, and encourages good feelings like happiness, love, and calmness. It also gives you ways to handle tough emotions like sadness, tough experiences, and feeling really down. While it's not a fix for everything, meditation is a really useful skill for dealing with life's ups and downs.

Fostering Gratitude

Hiking trail, South Downs National Park, the western Weald, East Dean, West Sussex

Connecting with nature! What a myth, I thought, during times when I felt disconnected and lacked perspective. Now, after practicing meditation, I feel the power of this statement deeply within me. It has become an integral part of my identity. Meditation can help us appreciate and be thankful for the things we have and the experiences we go through in life. It's about finding joy in little things, like the blue sky or a tasty treat. Being grateful makes us feel better, happier, and improves how we get along with others. It also helps us feel less stressed and unhappy. But to be truly grateful, we need to understand ourselves and how our thoughts, feelings, and actions affect us and those around us. In our interconnected world, every action influences something else. Yet, amidst our busy lives, we often overlook the importance of self-reflection. Gratitude thrives on introspection. Meditation helps us pause and appreciate this interconnectedness, fostering thankfulness through self-reflection.

Cultivating Self-Awareness

Cultivating self-awareness is crucial for recognizing both the positive aspects of life and areas that require improvement. Without it, there's a risk of taking things for granted, complaining, or placing blame elsewhere. Meditation emerges as a paramount tool, if not the most essential, for honing self-awareness. It guides you to focus on the present moment, observe your mind without judgment, and accept yourself as you are. Through meditation, I have developed a mindful attitude, laying the foundation for gratitude. Regular meditation practice helped me to appreciate myself, others, and the world more fully, fostering a life lived with increased gratitude.

Productivity Insights

Engaging in meditation practices revealed significant enhancements in my mental performance. I experienced heightened focus, increased creativity, and improved efficiency. Concentration became sharper, problem-solving accelerated, and learning became more accessible. After meditating, I found I was less distracted, procrastinated less, and forgot things less often. This made me realize that meditation is really helpful for improving focus, memory, and thinking skills. And it's not just about personal skills - meditation also helps with things like talking to others, leading, and working with a team. It's not a shortcut, but rather a beneficial habit that aids in goal achievement and excellence in work.

The Impact of Meditation on Life

Exhibition view Stupor - Daniel Richter, Thaddaeus Ropac gallery, Mayfair London October 2023

Meditation has been a life-changing experience. It has not only improved my health, happiness, and productivity, but it has also changed the way I see myself, others, and the world. Here are some of the most important aspects learned through practicing meditation:

  1. Clarity: Meditation brings clarity, helping me see my truth by removing deception. It encourages honest self-reflection, accepting strengths and weaknesses, and embracing uniqueness. This practice guides me to perceive things objectively, fostering realism and courage to face reality. Thanks to meditation, I decided to switch from design to software development. What a change!

  2. Self-Discovery: I've embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring my interests, passions, and talents. Painting post-meditation unleashed creativity, expressed emotions, and brought joy. This led to discovering new hobbies and learning new skills. Meditation expanded my horizons, fostering curiosity, adventure, and an open-minded outlook on life.

  3. Progress: Meditation helps me measure growth, track improvement, and celebrate achievements. It reveals tangible progress as my mind gains calmness, clarity, and strength. My meditation practice deepens, becomes more consistent, and positively impacts my life, making it happier and more meaningful. It influences goal-setting, action planning, and follow-through, emphasizing that happiness is a continuous journey fueled by progress.

  4. Love: I've found deep love for myself and others, a gift representing Life. Meditation taught me loving-kindness, breaking down ego judgments, fostering compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. Authentic love for people, animals, and nature enriches my life through meditation.

  5. Attitude: Meditation shifts my perspective towards myself, others, and the world, offering clarity free from ego distortions. It cultivates respect, understanding, and support. Moreover, it reveals a world full of opportunities, fostering positive thinking and hopefulness, encouraging action and accountability. Ultimately, meditation teaches that attitude determines success.

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In Conclusion

Meditation is not a fad, a trend, or a hobby, but a profound journey of self-discovery and growth. It is a way of life, and a practice that can benefit anyone, anywhere, anytime. It can change your life, for the better, forever. It has illuminated my path with clarity, guiding me towards honesty, acceptance, and courage. I've unearthed hidden talents, explored new passions, and witnessed tangible progress in both my inner and outer worlds. Moreover, it has opened my heart to boundless love and compassion, enriching my connections with myself and others.

Meditation has not only shifted my perspective but also my attitude towards life itself. It instills a sense of optimism and empowerment, reminding me that happiness is not found in external circumstances but in the journey of continual progress and self-improvement. It teaches us that our attitude shapes our reality and propels us forward on the path of fulfillment and purpose.

PSS. Do not be afraid of the darkness; It is only there to make the light shine brighter.

I hope you enjoyed this post on mindfulness and that it inspired you to try meditation or to continue your practice if you already do.

About the Author

Razvan Chiorean is a published author of Wellness Vault and a passionate advocate of sport performance and holistic fitness, bringing forth a wealth of knowledge and insight accumulated over more than a decade of dedicated involvement in the fitness space. He’s also an enthusiastic triathlete. Whether it’s swimming, cycling, or running, Razvan champions the idea that endurance and consistent movement is essential for overall health and a resilient mind-body connection. This philosophy not only supports physical and mental well-being but also empowers individuals to flourish in a world increasingly shaped by digital convenience.


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